Trading Profile

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Top 10 Traders by PnL

Listed as top 10 trader by lifetime PnL on FTX exchange. Trades executed on this platform include discretionary long-short strategy and arbitrage on overnight funding rates.

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Bitcoin Swap Market Making Algo

Providing Liquidity, Discovering Markets

Providing consistant and competitive bid/ask quote to the market 24 hours a day. Contributes more than 0.4% of the market on average. Contact me directly to learn more.

Portfolio Performance

Value of portfolio is scaled to initial value on February 2016 with value of 1
Portfolio and Bitcoin value in Log Scale.
Alpha vs BTC shows the multiples of return on the portfolio compared to directly investing in Bitcoin.

Vested Investments

Key Positions



Opportunistic Creator

Casper Cheng

Opportunistic Creator

Born in 1997 and raised in Hong Kong - the financial hub of Asia. Casper was exposed to the financial markets since Primary days. With deep interest in coding and learnt about crypto-currencies in 2013, the synergies translate to alpha in the fast-paced crypto market.

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